Trouble-Shooting This chapter contains solutions for some common problems. No Color If the games are not in color, check your monitor settings. Color monitors can be set to show only black- and-white or greys. Make sure your monitor is set for at least 16 colors. (Use the Monitors control panel that came with your Macintosh system software.) We recommend using at least 256 colors, or for best results use thousands or millions of colors. Cards & Patterns Menu Item Is Unavailable The Cards & Patterns menu item is available only in color. If your monitor is black and white, then the default black-and-white card designs will be used and the game window will have a plain white background. Can’t Make Any Moves If you have opened a game in the Sample Games folder, or any saved game whose file is Finder-locked, you will not be able to make any moves of your own. You will only be able to review the moves in the saved game by using the Undo and Redo commands (or their shortcuts: press the space bar for Redo, and press ESC or F1 for Undo). Normally saved games are not locked, and you will be able to make moves as usual after opening them. Can’t See The Cards Very Well There may be two reasons for this problem. If you find the markings on the cards too small to read easily, select the Cards & Patterns… menu item from the Preferences menu. The Cards & Patterns window will appear, and you can then choose from three different card sizes. The larger sizes are easier to read than the smaller sizes. If your problem is that the cards sometimes overlap too much so that some cards’ markings are covered up by the cards on top, then hold down the command (⌘) key while clicking on a card you can’t see very well. As long as you continue to hold down the mouse button, the card’s rank and suit will be displayed clearly. These tightly-compressed fans occur only when a fan gets too long to otherwise fit in the window. Later in the game when the fan gets shorter, the fan will “stretch out” and return to the normal overlap, and the cards will be easy to read again. Can’t Make The Window Bigger Some games need more room for their layouts; some are quite small and need very little room. Larger layouts need more memory; to save your available memory, Solitaire Till Dawn won’t let any game’s window and layout get too big. You will always have enough room to play a complete game, even in the rare games when a fan gets especially long. Double Dealing If the program seems to deal too many cards when you click on the hand, be sure you’re not double-clicking the hand. A single click is all it takes. (And remember you can Undo the second deal, if you double-click by mistake.)